Saturday, 10 December 2011

Ten minutes, Mexican time!

Julio is one of our craft-men. He has been working on the boat doing el. work, plumbing and more. He is very clever and funny. Here he leaves the boat saying 'ten minutes, Mexican time'! And we don't see him for hours.
Julio has been putting in our Ebes-Baecker, hot water boiler.

Here he is in the gally putting a pump into the fuel - line to the boiler.

Rick is our marine engenier 'guru', who is in charge of the workers and progress for the boat.
Here Rick and David are discussing the position of the new GPS screen at the chart table.

David working on the connections behind the control panel for all the electronic wires.

David at the chart table writing on his labtop. The back panel is missing.

Gitte sowing a piece of leather onto the spinnacher pool, sitting in the dingty on the fore-deck.

David and Rick discussing the new instruments in the cockpit.

Posted by PicasaGitte doing sail repair in the main cabin.

1 comment:

  1. love the last photo - so did Judy and Steve - I hope your sewing machine is as high-tec as David's navigation stuff, computer programmable etc.
