Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Problems in Paradize!

We have been in Mazatlan since 24th of February and acclimatized to the hot, humid weather and the Mexican way of life.
We don't speak the language but we get on with life here in the marina. David is busying himself all the time sorting out the boat and forever running into problems which has to be sorted out before we can sail. Our time is running out soon and I have bought my ticket to go back home, leaving Mazatlan 13th of May. David will follow 14 days later.
The latest problem we have come across is the main-sail with in-mast reefing.
We have had a lot of problems, as the sail got stock as we tried un-furling it and had people up the mast to sort it out and many helpers using winches and furling gear in the cockpit and at the mast. This problem got sorted and the next one unfolded, as we realized that it was next to impossible to furl it in. The result is that the mainsail is now down, the boom is off and we are waiting for bearings to arrive from the supplier in town. It is now Easter break and and the Mexicans are in holiday mood and shops are closed till Saturday. We keep running into this SLOW TO- A -HALT manana life. Of course it does have its own charm, as so much is happening all around, and we are sitting on a lovely yacht, and we have plenty of nice people around.

Here is Kevin, British born, living in New Zealand and single-handed sailor. Kevin went up our mast and did a great job pushing a fold of sail back in the mast. Kevin had to fly home today due to a personal emergency. We will miss him, and hope he will be back soon.

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