Sunday, 29 April 2012

Auf wiedersehen Costa Rica!

Farewell Costa Rica! We will be back in October  2012 and continue our cruising towards Panama and     beyond.                                                        

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Cloud forest and jungle in Costa Rica.

 Costa Rica has been forward-looking and kept huge areas of the jungle as primary forest in national parks.

High and low tide

  Here is the boat ready for the rainy season and baking sun.
We had 12 feet difference between high and low tide at spring tide. Last photo is the swimming pool at the marina.

Friday, 20 April 2012

Canape tour on David'd birthday 18th April 2012

David on line.

Gitte on the zip-line.
We celebrated David's birthday on zip-lines through the jungle.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Last sail of the season to Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

The Easter Week-end we took Aros Mear to her final resting place for this season, as we have decided to go home from Costa Rica and will arrive back in Scotland on 24th of April.
Our sail took us through a gab in between a couple of islands with the current running like The Curriewrecken. We crossed the Gulf of Nicoya and called the pilot from Marina Puerto Azull from the way- point outside in deeper water, and the panga arrived with our pilot.
Puntarenas is situated on a 10 mile long narrow sand strip with a river flowing at the inside and silting up the estuary. We had to arrive at high tide on the slack. Everything went well but there were some problems moving the boat into the actual slip as the tide was pushing us, and we had a whole crowd of helpers, but no real chief! However, we are happy in the marina now.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Howling -mokeys in the treetops in Bahia Ballena, Costa Rica

Round the corner from the Cabo Blanca point we found this lovely anchorage in Bahia Ballena. In the morning we were woken by howling-monkies. The sound was like growling of angry bears.

Some photos from the fishing village
The bait for fishing are scrimps on left bottom photo.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Rounding Cabo Blanca.Nicoya Peninsula. 31st March 2012

Gitte at the helm watching that genoa!

We had another early start to be sure to be at next the anchorage before nightfall. It is really nice to get up before dawn and to see the sunrise. We had a great sail down the coast of Nicoya Peninsula, passing famous surfing beaches, but too far out to see any action. We did around 8-10 knots again most of the way.
We waved to a lot of fishing boats at the point.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Bahia Samara 30eth March 2012

We left Bahia Brasilito before six o'clock and before sunrise yesterday, as we had 54 Miles to sail and the cruising guide book said that you should not approach the next anchorage after dark as the anchorage is surrounded by reefs. I am glad it was still light when we arrived!!
We did very well in the morning as we did 30 miles in 3-4 hours with gusts up to 28 knots per hour. In the afternoon the wind died and we struggled to reach the anchorage before dark.
But we made it! Looking around it was quite dramatic with all the breaking water over the reefs.

This morning we went ashore to this beautiful wide beach. Two white horses roomed!
It was really hot, but we ventured up into this small village.
We found 'an oasis' in the hot jungle and had lunch and cool drinks.

Hibiscus flower.

The explorer was happy when he saw his ship again.

Towards Bahia Basilito. 23. March 2012

We left Coco Beach two days ago and Races with our Swiss friends in s/v Wingggis 20 Miles to the next anchorage, Bahia Basilito. The race was 'Neck and Neck'. We were first, as we have a bigger boat, but they won on handicap.
Sailing past these scarries we saw a yacht at anchor. Can you spot it?

David and the Hooka. Coco Bay . 24. March 2012

David wanted to see the bottom of the boat and clean off barnacles, so he jumped into the soup with the hooka!
A hooka is a kind of snorkel which has a long tube to a pump, which sends air down the tube. This was a 'First' for him and he was delighted using it with the right amount of weights in his belt. It is my turn next time.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

In the dry jungle in Costa Rica . 22 . March 2012

Coco Beach. Yachts on anchorage.

Gitte on the beach.
Hermit crab on small tree. David exploring in the jungle.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Sailing to Costa Rica

Leaving Marina Barillas up the river in El Salvador we needed a pilot again to take us out passed the two mile long reef. And then we were off to Costa Rica 200 Miles passing Nicaragua and anchoing in sheltered bay just inside the border.
Young boys waved us out of El Salvador way out to sea.
Oiltanker in close proximity.
David at the helm in force 4-5, having a great time.
Mountains in the distance near the bay where we anchored.
Pelicans fishing.
Ragged rocks being passed on our way into the bay.
Local fishermen fishing in the evening.
The good ship Winggis with the Swiss couple Martin and Alexandra on board in the anchorage.
Gitte, Martin and Alexandra.
Local fishermen
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